How to Get More Customer Inquiries For Your Business?

Nathan Hawkes | Arcane Marketing
2 min readAug 31, 2021
Nathan Hawkes, President of Arcane Marketing

This is a transcription of a segment of the Marketing of the Minds Podcast hosted by Nathan Hawkes and co-hosted by Terry Hansen.

Terry Hansen:

How do you differentiate and get someone to inquire with you versus somewhere else? No matter if you’re a dentist or a financial advisor or an insurance agent, or you’re selling purses online, whatever that might be, how do you differentiate and get someone to inquire with you versus somewhere else?

Nathan Hawkes:

The overarching piece is an acronym that is often referred to in the world of digital marketing as E.A.T. It stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.

Terry Hansen:

And how do you gain those things in your business?

Nathan Hawkes:

Well, by simply doing all of the things that we have mentioned in the past regarding creating videos, being active on social media, making sure your Google My Business listing is updated, and you have plenty of reviews and testimonials from your customers. As you gain EAT in the eyes of a search engine or in the eyes of your customers or potential audience, I should say then you become sort of that authority figure or become that branded entity.

Terry Hansen:

You first establish yourself as an Expert. Then you give yourself Authority, by becoming a credible source of information that people can trust, then they can start trusting you and your business. Is that correct?

Nathan Hawkes:

That’s correct. Exactly. Right now, I would tell you this. If you need to learn more about EATing, you can contact me and I’ll be happy to take the time and explain it to anybody on the phone in detail.

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Idaho Falls, ID 83401

(208) 938–5988



Nathan Hawkes | Arcane Marketing

I started Arcane Marketing years ago for one reason: To create valuable relationships with our clients & amazing marketing results for them as well.